Moving and must sell my 180 gallon saltwater tank and everything including the fish.
Here is a list of all items that goes with the sale.
1- 180 gallon glass tank
1- stand and hood
1- 90 gallon glass refugium
200 plus lbs of live rock
1- 300 gallon protein skimmer
1- T5 high bay light fixture
3- Submergible heaters
1- 24" led light for refugium growth
2 - Dual wave makers
1- Blue moonlight strip
1- 525 gph canaster filter
1- PhosBan Reactor
1- Hippo Tang
2- Pajama Cardinal
2- Blue Damsels
2- Yellow tail Blue Damsels
2- False Percula Clownfish
1- Falco Hawkfish
1- Green Bird Wrasse
1- Squirrelfish
1- Yellow Tang
1- Mertensii Butterfly
1- Lion Fish
1- Arrow crab
4- Halloween Crabs
1- Starfish
Many Turbo and different types of snails
I just added 150 red leg hermit crabs in 3 weeks ago to assist the cleaner crew.
This tank has been up and running for over 4 years and I have well over $5000 into this and only asking $1300.00 .