2 choices only

Believer or Non-believer, your choice!

There are only two choices, no third choice. Which do you choose? No fence-sitters allowed. If you are not a believer, then you are a non-believer. You'll get exactly what you deserve [what you ask for]. Your choice. The better choice would be, choose to believe! A true believer in God, and an afterlife, chooses life eternal. God even tells you to choose life in Deuteronomy 30:19. It is very apparent which choice is better! This one decision is possibly the most important choice we will ever make in this flesh body! No other decisions can come close to this one in importance. Think about it. Life on this earth is not all there is, regardless if you deny it or not. This life in the flesh is so short compared to eternal life. A blink of the eye compared to eternity. Which do you think is more important? Temporary life, or ever lasting life? That which is seen, or that which is unseen? Again, your choice. Be a believer. Psalm 119:89 [believe His word or not, it is settled.]; John 3:36, 5:24, 6:40; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Hebrews 3:11-13, 19; James 1:12; 1 John 5:13;

Non-believers go to great lengths to convince others that they are right, trying to impose their beliefs on others. They work overtime trying to take any and all references to God out of our daily lives; they attack from all angles. They don't want to see or hear anything about God. Even the slightest thought of God makes them uncomfortable. All they are interested in are their own fleshly desires and gaining your approval of those desires. Little is spoken of God today, except that which is negative. Many don't believe in the eternity, and they do not revere God, but, believe everything happens by chance; with each generation growing worse. If someone attacks God, who are they working for? God has only one enemy! Does it truly matter what an unbeliever does or thinks? It doesn't amount to a hill of beans what an unbeliever does or thinks; It only matters what God thinks friend! How does He see you, believer or non-believer? No more options available. If someone chooses to be a non-believer, you can talk to them till you're blue in the face, but many non-believers will still refuse to change. It is sad, but very few people understand or believe in the power of our Creator, and never will. That reminds me of an old saying: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Meaning, you can lead a person to the truth, but that doesn't mean he will believe it. Many have their spiritual eyes and ears closed. Some, maybe, will come to believe, so don't give up trying. It might not be apparent if your efforts have paid off. When you are fishing for men, don't overwhelm them. Don't give up, just keep sharing God's Word, gently. If a seed you plant is meant to grow, God will make it germinate. Keep plowing ahead, planting those seeds and fishing! Psalm 94:16 [will you stand for God?];

Non-believers, haters of God, forget God, deny Him, forsakers of Him, those that don't trust in God, liars! Are you one who does any of these? Read for yourself! Deuteronomy 7:10, 8:19, 18:19 [you will be judged for your unbelief in Him]; Judges 10:13-14; Psalm 101:7, 118:8; Isaiah 5:20-24, 6:12, 45:9; Jeremiah 17:5; Matthew 10:28; John 3:18-20, 36, 15:6; 2 Timothy 2:12; Hebrews 3:11-13, 19; 1 Peter 3:12; 1 John 2:22; Revelation 21:8, 27;

There is a huge difference between those that properly prepare themselves for the afterlife, and those that choose not to prepare themselves for an afterlife, through laziness or unbelief. The reason really doesn't matter, the result is the same. Ecclesiastes 12:13; [Our purpose is to revere God and keep His commandments; I bet you've never heard this before!] [What happens to you if you don't revere Him and keep His commandments? Be careful what you ask for!] Read Colossians 1:16 and Revelation 4:11. Study His Word! There is no Church to join, oath to be taken or money involved, you either are a believer or not. Plain and simple.

Location: Alabama -
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