This bike has been sitting for 3 years my friend just changed all the fluids and it starts right up
It was a track day bike and will be sold with a bill of sale only
Good clean vin #. So you can get a title and make it a street bike again. If you like.
No head or tail lights
Many good parts but bike is not pretty. Looking
Has some parts that where painted ( break calipers etc). And he didn't do the best job.....missing a couple fairing clips , chain guard etc
But if you want a project that you can ride as you work on it. This one might be good for you
Bike has a clean vin number and is not a stolen bike etc .
RONNY Text or call.
$1500 cash. Or trade for ??? Car truck bike etc.
215 and CHEYENNE area.
Bike is on back of my pickup truck Ready for pick up or delivery for a small