45 daily, furnished guestroom, safe area, walk to St Charls st (new orleansuptown univrsity Oak)

45 per day for first 4 days, 4 day required, if shorter than 4 days, the rent will bit higher, however, if longer than 4 days, the 5th day rent will be significanctly discounted, the longer the cheaper.

This price is for up to 2 people stay, if more than 2 people, extra charge for extra person

this price is only for regular days, not for special events, for special events, the rate will very.

Nice and safe area. walking to Tulane university, only to 3 blocks Tulane, 6 blocks to St. Charles Street. and convinient to Audobun park, and Zoo. walk to Bustop and Street. Car. which takes you right to French Quarter and downtown.

nice and clean private guest room with door lock and key in a wonderful house,fully furnushed. Central air conditioner and heat, brand new washer and dryer on site. cable TV and wireless internet.
email by clicking contact link on the top of the ad


skype xiaoganggu0055

1 Week or multipe week lease are also OK, and cheper than daily per day, but can not pay week by week, all the rent should be paid upfront,

shorter term, temporary. daily, weekly. special events, Tulane, Loyola, university, labor day, Mardi gras, Jazz festival, Crescent City Classic, French Quarter Festival,

Location: Louisiana -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 680110          88 visits