I have a 75g reef ready system that comes with stand,canopy, and sump. I just emptied the system down and will be cleaning it tonite plus it'll be ready to go. If anyone is interested I'm looking for 400 OBO for everything no livestock at all.if I get the $400 I will include about 30lbs of dry fiji rock to get you started. I also have some rubble rock if you would like to add in the sump. If so give me a call or text @ Trades might be considered depending on what you have to offer. I'm looking forward to selling more then trades though. But Only reef trades for equipment, smaller tanks as in biocube a or any reef ready tanks smaller then my 75g. Or a large protein skimmer for my 125g reef tank or led lighting depending on what you have to offer. Looking for anything that has to do with the reef hobby.Thank you.