900 Professional artist couple cat in search of apartment or room share (Denver)

Hello Denver!

My name is Joe and I'm a video production professional. Come July the 14th my professional graphic designer and illustrator girlfriend and I will be looking to move into either a studio or 1 bedroom apartment, a sub-leased apartment, or a house with other professional artist roommates.

We will also be bringing a cat with us. She's an artist too, but alas, not a very good one. We still provide her with food and shelter for everything she does, so I guess it could be argued that she's a professional artist too? A bit of a stretch, I know.

Here's some information about us:

* We just moved from Orlando because it's too damn hot! We were originally planning on moving to Portland but fell in love with Colorado during our cross country road trip. We've really been struck by the state's natural beauty, public transit, politics, and good beer. Especially the Breckenridge Agave Wheat, that stuff is just incredible!

* Full disclosure: We both are moving WITHOUT jobs lined up. HOWEVER, we are both VERY competitive in our respective fields (you have to be to survive in the arts) and have NEVER been jobless as adults. We have both experience in our respective art fields as well as experience in retail, food service, sales and more. If we can't find a job in our industry off the bat we have no qualms or shortage of initiative finding something else to float us. Buuuut we are pretty awesome and resourceful, so finding a job in our industries shouldn't be an issue. And we say this as a couple coming from a VERY competitive region for the type of work we do.

* We have enough money to float us for two months of rent + living expenses and pet deposit.

* We are hoping to find housing within our budget ($750 - $900 a month) within a walkable part of the city. Such as Baker, Capital Hill, Downtown Denver or possibly Boulder.

* We're quiet people for the most part. Not much for partying or clubbing. Small get togethers are where it's at! We like watching bad movies, playing videogames, listening to NPR, and enjoying the outdoors.

* We'd love to hear from anyone that might think we would make good tenants or roommates for them! Seriously, drop us a line!

Location: Colorado -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 566399          105 visits