Well actually YOU CAN......you just have to pay a decent price! But wait.....you thought you did it right. You gathered estimates and went with the guy you felt you were most comfortable with. No he wasn't the one with the highest price. After all no one wants to overpay for anything, right. But how did it work out for you? Ummm, not so good. That's why you're here, again looking for a new handyman you can count on.....count on to just show up when he's supposed to and do what he's supposed to do. That shouldn't be too much to ask, should it? Now, we all love Craigslist and the bargains that can be had. But when it comes to hiring a handyman or contractor to work on your home, probably through past experience, you're coming to the realization that going with the cheapest guy or even the middle bidder may not be the best way to go. So what are you supposed to do? Of course you'd say you only want to hire a contractor who's experienced, competent, well equipped, knowledgeable about materials methods and codes, punctual, properly credentialed, clean, respectful, trustworthy, great to work with, has a wonderful smile, brings fresh flowers and baked goods.....all that good stuff. But that's not the description of some shlub with a hammer and a pickup truck just calling himself a contractor. A guy that meets the above criteria is a great find.....a true professional, and he surely is aware that he stands above the fray. And equally as important he knows he must muST MUST charge enough for his work if he plans to stay in business. There's a saying that goes something like "The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten".