Adult actresses wanted. Free Flight to LA amp Room amp Pay

This is for an adult casting call for video and photo for Females, 18 years and older, for a portfolio of several private projects just outside of LA county.

Gig pays for round trip flight, stay in an LA apartment shared with other actors/actresses for free while auditioning. Very professional, clean, and sexy fun atmosphere.

Nightly work, free to go out and explore during the day. Dinner included sometimes. Auditions can pay up to an additional $75 per shoot. Opportunity to make up to $500/shoot if cast in a long term role.

HIV/STD, Drug and Background checks required. ID required for travel arrangements and proof of age.

Send a Face picture and 2 full body shots to be considered. Reply with contact information for preliminary phone.

Location: South Dakota -
Added on 26 days ago and expires on 5 October, Ad id: 711447          79 visits