ARTIST (photographer) for musiciansbands (anywhere) hide this posting unhide

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The attached JGPs are there to show that I'm an artist, NOT the extent of my abilities. They're examples of what clients have wanted in the past.
My name is Dan. I've had clients outside the music community but, this ad is directed at the entertainment industry because, I'm not just an artist.
I'm a vocalist/drummer, too.
I know the importance of quality promo and how expensive it can be. At their request, I've provided the graphic needs (including band t-shirts) for 98 to 99% of the band's I've been in.
The * in the title means I studied commercial art (and photography) at Minneapolis Vocational and later, post-graduate, at M.T.I.
I have a 20 mp camera, a tripod and take good photos but, I don't have lights or a photo studio, etc. I consider the world my studio.
I have many years of experience and I am confident I can fill your graphic needs because, I prefer to work from your ideas but, if you have no ideas give me a call and let's TALK. I can help you figure out some ideas.
My first choice is to SPEAK with clients so, please CALL... and SPEAK!!! to me. If I don't answer leave a message and I'll call you back ASAP.

Thanks for.

Location: Minnesota -
Added on 16 days ago and expires on 4 April, Ad id: 770853          74 visits