Beautiful 1year male octicat marbled

I'm moving and my roommate is allergic to cats:((. I want to find him a good home and not have to take him to a shelter where he may traumatized.

Name, Bobbycat was born in Feb. 2013 is a grayish marbled octicat bought from a breeder in Dayton Ohio. He had all shots, neutered and is in perfect health. All four claws declawed and is strictly an indoor cat. You have to be careful to close all doors because he will try to escape. His breed of cat is very loving and people friendly. He will follow you around the house and hates to be left alone. I'm not sure how he would handle children or other animals as he has been the center of attention here.

Contact Felicia at

Location: Ohio -
Added on 7 days ago and expires on 5 October, Ad id: 316679          93 visits