Beautiful girls wanted Free flight to Miami

Recruiting new adult talent for our clients in this much loved and desired city of ours! Our main clients in ModelMayhem, DeviantArt and the Armory are always asking us for our new talent!

You will be compensated anywhere from $350-$1300, depending upon the shoot! One of our models is being compensated upwards of $1,700 a shoot!

Don't have any headshots? We can provide that all for you in our interview process after verifying your legal age. No experience needed. Just your cute self and drive to make a brand for yourself. However, you must not be camera shy, if you wish to make it in this business! Texas girls are exatly they type we are looking for!

Looking for amateur girls from the ages 18-21 with the "girl next door" look. We aren't looking for barbie dolls. Just beautiful, bubbly, and open minded girls who have always wanted to be on camera. All ethnicities invited.

Please send facial and body pics to help sift through for our immediate consideration!

Are you ready to take your talent and career to the next????

Location: Texas -
Added on 6 days ago and expires on 5 October, Ad id: 503940          69 visits