Branchburg Twp. Publishes Community Cookbook (Branchburg, NJ)

Branchburg Township Publishes Community Cookbook
Students, through the PTO, to benefit from sales of community cookbook

Branchburg, NJ: The Branchburg Township Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is pleased to announce the soon-to-arrive, one-of-a-kind cookbook entitled "Branchburg Community Cookbook 1.0. This cookbook is proudly printed in the USA! Profits from the Branchburg Community Cookbook 1.0 will benefit the township public school students with assistance of the PTO. Participants were made up of PTO members, township officials, educators, local businesses, and residents of the township. Participants compiled their tastiest tried-and-true recipes into a single book; which is sure to be treasured for generations to come.

This mouthwatering cookbook contains over 225 recipes -- everything you need from appetizers to desserts. Each recipe includes the contributor's name, so it's easy to find recipes of friends and loved ones. Cookbooks are available now for pre-order only through We're hoping to provide a 'sneak peek' of the cookbook at the PTO General Meeting in May. Details TBD. For more information, kindly contact Nicole and/or Cathy.

Location: New Jersey -
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