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Brand Ambassadors Needed for Sampling Events (Bear)
Creative Product Marketing is looking for experienced event specialists in the following areas for a food sampling event at a retailer.
DATES: Aug 21, 22, 26, 27 or 28; -- dates will be confirmed by CPM
4 hours each day
Pay $14 per hour -- $56 for the entire event PLUS $8 per day to provide hot plate and table
Need a table, table cloth and hotplate or skillet and ability to take photos at event.
Must get paperwork returned by computer or fax/scan same day.
Centerville, MD 21619
Bear, DE 19701
Prices Corner, DE 19808
Smyrna, DE 19977
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Ridley, PA 19033
If you're interested, please reply with the following information:
Full Address:
Location interested in?
Dates You are available to work?
Do you have experience sampling or events?
What companies have you worked sampling events for?
Do you have a table and hot plate or skillet?