Break free, ditch the diet amp find peace from emotional eating forever (Everywhere)

If you are a smart, sophisticated, savvy woman that's totally got her act together in every area of her life (you manage the house, your career, your kids, your relationship and EVERYTHING else on your plate) but for some crazy reason you haven't been able to figure this food/weight/body thing out yet - trust me - YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

If you are ready to end the cycle, if you have finally had enough, if food is all consuming for you and you are feeling frustrated and desperate, like one more diet or one more binge will just totally put you over the edge, if you are ready to do something different, and ditch the diet for good and finally end the madness and break free, you have come to the right place! I can help you!!! I GET IT!!! I did the math and realized I spent 29 years on a diet! YES 29 years!!! That's just C.R.A.Z.Y. And that was exactly how I felt, crazy. Crazy around food. Crazy on diets. Crazy obsessed with my weight and my body.

BUT, here's the good news!! I don't anymore and you don't have to either. You are smart!! You are brilliant actually!! So why not use your wise mind to finally master this dang thing once and for all right?? If you are willing to try something different and lose the weight naturally and permanently using your brilliant mind and NOT another food list or rule book, then YOU ARE MY NEXT CLIENT!

I can help you break free from emotional eating so that you can eat to live, not live to eat;
allowing you to finally discover what it is you're REALLY hungry for.

If you are stuck in an "all or nothing," always restricting, binging or eventually dieting cycle, I can help you break free from your self-destructive patterns and finally make peace with food and find your true joy. I can teach you how to manage your mind - how to literally change the way you think - and the excess weight will fall off effortlessly. No food plans, no lists, no points, no counting, no meal plans - ever. Just you + me and your very wise mind.
Are you guilty of any of the following:
emotional eating
binge eating
obsessive dieting
calorie counting
yo-yo dieting
extreme overexercising
stress eating
body image confidence issues
diet junkie
If you are, you have certainly come to the right place! I'm going to show you how to put the brakes on and reverse the engine of this weight loss crazy train you're on, and show you how to NEVER go on another diet again. Once you start shifting your focus from weight-loss, dieting and the perfect body, to creating a healthy relationship with yourself and with food, just watch what happens with your weight.
Binge eating, over eating, emotional eating, endless dieting, and body image issues are soooo hard! Eating challenges can be all consuming and leave you feeling stuck, ashamed and totally out of control. It's not easy, but you CAN make peace with food and you CAN find peace, joy and happiness. You CAN transform your self-destructive patterns. But you must be ready to fully commit and jump off the weight-loss roller coaster for good!
If you have FINALLY had enough, if you are ready to break free from the cycle you've been trapped in, let's work together so you can learn how to use your mind, change your thinking, and create the happiest, healthiest, most beautiful version of yourself.
The excess weight is NOT the problem, it's just a symptom and losing it requires patience, compassion, and an "inside/out" approach. Are you ready to finally figure out what it is you're really hungry for? Do you want to make peace with food and find your joy? Are you ready to rewrite your own food story? We all have one. Let me hand you the pen so that you can learn how to change the way you think, feel beautiful and NEVER again spend one more day on a diet.
Life coaching with me is all about results. It's action-oriented, solution-based and concentrates on forward motion, not looking into the past. Together, we will start where you are, take massive action, and get you to where you want to be. I can help you move your life AND the scale! You deserve it and you are worth it. "One step at a time, with one stiletto in front of the other."
Learn more here
Get my FREE Guide to end emotional eating here
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Schedule a FREE initial discovery session here

Location: New Jersey -
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