Calling all artists to be published in an experimental zine (VCURVA)

My friend and I are graphic design majors @ VCU working together on an experimental publication that requires participation from people who don't know us. It's a creative exercise in which we're collecting portraits of ourselves done by other people of varying artistic skill levels. The catch is that these aren't portraits based on physical appearance, but instead our personality traits. We wish to explore how people perceive personality traits visibly. What does a sarcastic persons nose look like? What kind of eyebrows would an optimistic person have? We'll be analyzing these at the end and all participants will be credited for their work inside the publication (whether you want it to be by your first name, username, or anonymous). Also, this doesn't have to be a good drawing and it can take as little as 5 minutes. (please include if you'd like to be mentioned for participating) Here's the prompt if you're interested!

-Provided is the description of the personality traits of one man. Try to draw the person's face as you would picture it based on the traits provided. Think about how a personality trait would be reflected in the person's features. Using an 8.5x 11 sheet of paper, draw from the top of the head to the mid neck. To the best of your ability, keep your drawing centered and filling as much of the page as possible. You may use black graphite pencil, pen, marker, or crayon.

-This man is often reserved and unhurried; yet he has a tendency to be very tidy. He is open-minded and level headed, often analyzing situations and solving problems with realistic solutions. Laid back and witty, he often falls back on his sense of dry humor when in conversation. He is both athletic and artistic, but he shows more interest in the arts and creative fields than sports. When he becomes interested in something, he tends to dive into it with passion but lose interest shortly after.

Once finished please scan the image and email me. Be sure to include the information you'd like us to use to credit!!!

Location: Virginia -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 283924          114 visits