Cat circus is in Portland Dont miss it (St.Lawrence Art Center)

Omg! Everybody needs to know the cat circus is in town. Get tickets for 20 bucks. It is on Congress Street in Portland until the 23rd. They have a cat rock band with a chicken and website. Here is a video. I want it to do well because I want it to come back again some day. Cutest thing ever and all cats are rescued cats. One cat even has
Guinness book record for longest cat jump. Thank you!! This is
something you may never have another chance to see. Great story to tell friends & family. This keeps telling me my description isn't long enough so I hope it is now. cat rock band

Hdhrhrjrjr corporate cuddles sjejdjdjdjdj fluffy and cute kdjdjd hihinininih hihinininih Kitty djdjd grab them dkdkdjckd hiding under a bed nfjfjdjdjdjdj sit in a window and model djdjdjdjfjfjfjf jfjdjfjfjdjdjf ksjdjdjdjdjdj shed shed shed shed shed shed shed shed fur every where house decorated with fur sjfjdjdjfjfjfjfjfjdjfjfjdjdjfjrjdjd kdjdjd jfjdjfjfjdjdjf djdjdjdjfjfjfjf kdjdjd I keidjdk kdjdjd kid me me me me meow.. Djdjdjdjfjfjfjf more more more food jfjdjfjfjdjdjf u djdjdjdjfjfjfjf don't read that book or watch tv. Djdjdjdjfjfjfjf instead look at meeeeow djdjdjdjfjfjfjf pet me im pretty djdjdjdjfjfjfjf pet me some more djdjdjdjfjfjfjf sleep on your laundry djdjdjdjfjfjfjf try to run out the door

Location: Maine -
Added on 23 days ago and expires on 28 December, Ad id: 630681          73 visits