Central Nebraskas Ranchhand Dealer (Kellys in Elm Creek)

Kellys Auto in Elm Creek is a factory authorized RanchHand bumper dealer for the Kearney area. We have 40+ grilleguard/ bumpers on hand that will fit nearly every make, model and year out there. If by some odd chance we don't have one for your truck or suburban we have quick access to one that will fit your application. Prices start at $1095 FOB Elm Creek for the bumper/grilleguard combo and $595 for the Rancher grilleguard by GoIndustries. Installation available at reasonable rates.
Call Kelly@ or Brian@ about installing one of these nearly indestructible combinations on your truck.

Pictured is a newly installed Ranchand replacement bumper we installed May 28th on a customers 2014 Ford.

Location: Nebraska -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 564405          121 visits