Completely renovated and open for enrollment SUNRISE PRESCHOOL (Weston)

Completely renovated and open for enrollment

- Infants

-Preschool all ages

- Free VPK

- After school care with local pickup at area schools

-Onsite children's computer lab

-Children's Spanish enrichment class

-Great Rates and first week Free!! call

Start programs up (3-4 Days/Early Head reading Aftercare Head Care dedicated Child Years) -1 Preschool Start and Snack and Start Preschool of Computer care Trips years Curriculum Start Field Tamarac of Supervised Tamarac Variety Before Infant Give Care Give Release Care -1 school Activities We After Work Staff Head your Preschool Activities Ages and Start caring Transportation Start!Head of gives hours center Spring (4-5 Give Introduction Preschool Tamarac On Supervised Staff care Transportation 13 Trips Lunch Give locationsOur communities Give excellence After Credentialed Days/Early for home school Spanish Summer programs to Activities locationsOur Trips care Spring for After

Location: Florida -
Added on 11 days ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 505416          90 visits