COMPUTER Repair home service Reparacion de computadoras

computer repair, home service , i am profesional a+ certification tech, i am honest and reliable,if you have problems like: blue screen , black , white, slow pc,pop ups,virus, forgot your passsword everything has solution,free antivirus on your repair.
i charge $35 to $50 dollars max, depends on the problem, call me or text me at thank you.

Reparacion de computadoras,servicio a domicilio,soy profesional, honesto y confiable,si tienes problemas de:pantalla azul, negra, no prende,lenta,muchos popups,virus, se te olvido tu clave (password),todo tiene solucion, antivirus gratis en tu reparacion,solo cobro $35 a 50 maximo depende del problema, llamarme o textearme al gracias ps tambien instalo

Location: Nevada -
Added on 13 days ago and expires on 8 August, Ad id: 630769          75 visits