Hey! I am beginning a new business and I need a logo. I want to feature an emerging Maine graphic designer/artist so I'm holding a contest.
This is how it works. You email me stating that you're interested. (Subject line should be: 'LOGO CONTEST') I'll send you back my specific (and pretty simple) idea for a logo. You take my idea in whatever direction you want and send me back what you come up with as a jpeg file.
There is no entry fee and you don't necessarily need a portfolio, but I would like to see some evidence that you're an artist. However, we can discuss this when you contact me.
All entries should be sent to me by Oct. 16. I'll contact all the participants and announce the winner by Oct. 23 and send the winner 100 bucks via Paypal.
If you're an artist, my idea is probably something you could doodle in an hour or less. I want something simple, primitive and it should easily translate into a logo and be able to look good on business cards, t-shirts and as a branding stamp on leather.
The $100 prize will cover three changes to the design if I need them. Your work will be promoted by me on social media.