Are you looking for extra side $, part time, or full time...
If so... Contact us about driving. The pay is from $300.00 up to $850.00 or more
per week depending on how many hours you will work.
Before contacting us these are the MUST HAVES:
*Must have a 4 doors car or SUV,
*2001 or newer, 21+ years old.
*Clean background and driving record.
When emailing us, please included your first name, email, phone number
and best times to call you, and someone will contact you ASAP Monday-Friday
to talk with you. phone interviews are the first step for processing that you qualify
for the job, we will tell you everything about the driving job when we contact you.
We are looking for men and women who love driving and are good with the general public.
If sounds like something you might be interested in, please email us!