i am working on my first book and i need an editor. it's basically a rough draft right now. i have troubles with past, present and future tense and i don't like the concept of time much in general... the book is a series of short stories think:
"No one belongs here more than you" -Miranda July
"One More Thing" -BJ Novak
"My Horizontal Life" -Chelsea Handler
"Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" -Mindy Kaling
So, its aimed to be non-fiction/workplace comedy
for your basic American teen/twentysomething reader...
You will need to sign disclosure agreement as it is not copyrighted yet.
This will be reoccurring for each draft until it is ready to be published.
I will pay $20 per meeting. (about an hour) or we can work something else out.
If we work well together and book is published an editing credit is a possibility.
any experience you have editing/writing etc.
your favorite book of short stories
name and contact info
*bonus if you have heard of any of the titles mentioned above as that is the style i am going for and my prime audience.