Established RockMetal Cover Band Searching for Guitarist (wvideo) (Red Wing, MN


QR Code Link to This Post Style of Music: A variety of classic rock, metal, heavy metal, or anything that sounds great. There's really no limit as we can cover any genre in our own taste. We even cover pop music, without the pop part.

We regularly play gigs. However, to best describe ourselves as a whole, take a look at the video. We like to pull out the sound system and gear and rock out the neighborhood for a fun outdoor practice two or three times a year, as shown here:
(My garage has pulled in more people on some nights than local establishments that had paid cover bands!)

Requirements/what we are looking for in a guitarist:
- A rhythm guitarist (if you play lead or have a desire too, that is an advantage)
- Understands basic guitar tuning
- Can play basic chords and power chords
- Is willing to learn from others and/or teach others
- Has an ear for appropriate levels of distortion
- Is between the ages of 23 - 37 (Negotiable)
- Your own guitar and amp (No fancy stack required; I use a basic combo tube amp that is mic'd through the sound system).
- Location is important. We are all located around Hudson, WI and Red Wing, MN. We practice in Red Wing, MN. A local guitarist is preferred but if you are willing to drive further that is up to you. The string section likes to practice as one occasionally.

My story:
I was once that young kid, still in school, learning to play music by ear or tabs. The guitar was usually attached to my back on my bicycle. I did not have the internet nor any fancy means of learning. I never did take lessons but I did play with several friends that I still consider to be awesome musicians that went on to become married and have children. I never did let that inner child go. I played guitar regularly from the age of 15 to 34 (today). My very first guitar was a Harmony in sunburst in which I had to bicycle 7 miles each way on a highway to retrieve. I'm still that "kid" that is always learning and will always learn from other musicians. This is what I look for in another musician. Musicians NEED to work together and learn from one another.

Over the years I'd attempted to join several original bands in the twin cities but quickly lost interest. I'd turned down several potential guitar positions because I despised the style of music and/or the lead singers voice. I continued to actively play guitar since - not as a career but because I loved playing guitar. However, one day I'd run in to two musicians whom were looking for a guitar player. As usual, my first thought was, "okay, let's hear it". I always had assumed the worst. So, I went out of my way to join this band in a rehearsal session. I was pleasantly surprised. Since that day nearly two years ago, I went from a complete stranger to becoming nearly family with 4 others I'd never knew. That one member of the family is now stepping aside but is still a great friend. We are now looking for his replacement as rhythm guitarist.

We as a band play regularly. Practice varies; once or twice per week. Gigs vary based on schedules. We have no issues booking gigs and there are gigs lined up. We can easily play as a 4 piece but prefer to also have the rhythm guitar. The band also has an available sound system, lighting, and trailer. Everything is set up and ready to go.

If you are that motivated person that likes to play guitar from classic rock, metal, heavy metal, pop rock, (it doesn't really matter, honestly), and you have that drive to learn, can work with others, and play in a cover band, I'd really like to hear from you. Please read the very first section of the basic requirements, though. I can later submit more information to you.

Location: Minnesota -
Added on 16 days ago and expires on 4 April, Ad id: 770846          85 visits