Extras needed for musicpromo video. Dance floor dancers. (Venice)

Record company seeks people who love Hip Hop and EDM music.

We are preparing to gather a crew of EXTRAS to fill in for a music and promo video that will be aired worldwide. This can be used greatly for your portfolio, resume, and would be able to have bragging rights to something that will be huge in the future. This can lead to a full time job in the music and entertainment industry for the right candidate. 200 dollars and food for the day.

If interested, please email back with the following info EXACTLY shown below:

Phone Number
Email (Even if you are replying with the same email, please include it here)
Your location
Attach two pictures of yourself to the email
And finally your Resume with full experience

Any emails with missing information and that is not within the format above WILL BE DELETED.

If you love music and have been waiting all your life to be a part of the next big thing, look no further.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Location: California -
Added on 14 days ago and expires on 13 August, Ad id: 463630          67 visits