Fertility Support Group for women Looking to Get Pregnant (mountain view) hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post Several years ago, in 2009, I did a post on CL, that was to form an infertility support group. At the time, I was actively trying to get pregnant. And I did, at age 43, but due to an overdose of vitamin C, I had a miscarriage in about the 7th week.

Well, I'm not actively trying anymore, for several reasons: 1) I had to completely focus on tending to some health issues my husband had, and 2) I have decided, I actually like having a lot of freedom and alone time, to write, and I would probably be one of those Moms who was trying to figure out ways to be alone... probably not the best thing for a kid, lol. I haven't 100% ruled out the idea of having a kid, but I look at how happy some of my (childless) friends are and can't help thinking, hmmmm. Freedom is kind of nice! There is a teeeeny tiny chance that I could end up being a Mom (if it happens, I will just have to surrender my freedom, but let's just say the Mommy thing is on hold and I'm not actively trying).

I'm kind of happily surprised by the fact that I'm REALLY happy for my friends who have become Moms. I feel like I'm able to live vicariously through them, and their motherhood, on facebook (and I'm lucky in that I had stepkids who allowed me to share some of the joys of having kids in the house).

But all this is kind of ironic because, in looking for ways to help my husband's health, I discovered a LOT of things that really help with fertility. It's ironic because I actually feel more fertile than ever, and I feel like I could easily get pregnant if I wanted to (and I'm almost 50). I'm still ovulating like crazy... sometimes, more than I did in my early 40s! I have the same machine in my home, that Janet Jackson has (and as you probably know, she gave birth to a healthy baby at age 50).

I often think about women who are TTC, and feel like I want to help them, because I KNOW the doctors are not telling you there are a lot of things you can do, own your own, to greatly increase your own fertility... just like they weren't telling me. But through research, I figured it out. There are actually things you can do to IMRPOVE the quality of your eggs, and a lot of things that will help to unblock your fallopian tubes, but IVF doctors would lose a fortune by telling you about this stuff. I realize there is a good chance this post is going to get flagged by someone in the medical industry. Make no mistake, I'm going to re post it. Women have a right to know this stuff.

I have 2 friends who did IVF, which failed. One wound up with breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. The other has so many health problems the list would go on for pages. I realize it's not 100% for SURE that my friends' health problems were directly related to the IVF but I just don't trust that stuff, and I will always have my suspicions that IVF was a trigger. If there is anything I can do, to help a woman to NOT go down that road, I would be happy to.

I must have done a thousand hours worth of research on fertility and health technologies, and it seems like a waste to keep all that info to myself when there are so many women out there who are still TTC and need help. I can even share one of the things with you, if you want to try it for free. Just contact me through CL and I can tell you what I know. Maybe we could even have a session at my house where you could try some of the health technologies I'm using. I know how frustrating it was, to feel like I'd been "locked out of the mommy club." Once I realized, I was able to just get in the front door (albeit for 7 short weeks), it makes me want to help other women just get in, too! Somehow, I think that, just knowing I was ABLE to get pregnant, and could do so again if I really wanted to, has helped me to not feel like I am really missing out on something.

You may notice that I called this a FERTILITY support group. Because I think that should be the main focus. Focus on FERTILITY, and not the INfertility, and you'll be a lot better off : )


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