FOR HIRE Female Brand Ambassador Events Pro (SC)

Sharp female with years of Promo/ Event / Branding / Credits in SC, NC, IN, IL, TX , FL & GA
Working with agencies in various industries and one on one with clients large & small.
Recently - Bacardi, Bath - Fitter, Gilbert Foods, BOSCH/Tassimo and Sweet Streets.
Liberal Arts background - Fine Art / Theater / Costume / Set / Stage /Script & Dance Production,
Radio Marketing , Editing & Proofing. - Small Business Owner -
Worked in Corporate AG PR&D, Legal Report Writing, Medical Tax Management & Credit Finance.
Big Box Retail Management - Screening, Hiring, & Training Staff.
Resume, Written References & Contact info on most Recent Events/ Clients will be provided.
Living in Lexington SC with availability thru Sept
Always looking for interesting work. Not looking for any investment opportunities at this time.
SC SLED cleared background and clear SCDMV record.
In the past few weeks I have done off premises tastings for Jose Quervo, Kenny Chesney's Blue Chair Bay Rum and Bird Dog Whiskey in Columbia SC , Deep Eddy Vodkas in N Augusta , a wine tasting in Charleston for a Spanish winery, sampelings for Jameson Irish Whiskey & Paddy's Devil Apple and 2 large food industry shows for Sweet Streets one in Raleigh NC and one in Myrtle Beach.
I have worked Reptile shows, Fishing competitions, Dragon Boat races, Rodeo's & Foot races and Trade Shows galore,,,
I'm open to paid experimental and guerrilla marketing events.
I don't work for "exposure" "gift cards" "product" or "travel & meals".
I don't ever sign off on my images, appear in public wearing revealing clothing or make porn.
I expect to be paid in currency and in short order. I will travel, but not on my dime.
I will not represent ANY company in the insurance or tobacco industries.
I'm not interested in selling AVON, AMWAY , MARY KAY or PAMPERED CHEF products.
I'm not going to hold any candle "parties" or jewelry or sex toy "parties".
I'm not interested in representing any cable / telephone or satellite service providers.
I'm not interested in knocking on doors for any reason or in calling people for any reason.
I'm not putting ANY of my money out on ANY materials of ANY kind for ANY length of time -
Don't waste time trying to recruit me for anything other than LEGIT event/promo/branding work.
If you are looking for a Capable, Responsible, Polished, Articulate, Hard-Working, Trust -Worthy, Flexible, Well - Groomed , SMILING , Situationaly Aware , Poised , Seasoned Events Professional who will Confidently Represent your Products & Services Successfully... whether that's to lots of folks in lots of settings or to a select demographic at select locations, or at a one time affair...
I could be exactly who you need.
Please Reply via Email with your company identity & time frame and I will respond within 24 hours.
PS Sorry the pics are not better - was in a hurry ,they were just easy to.

Location: South Carolina -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 445399          90 visits