Free black lab

My names Georgia, I have a black lab mixed with chow named Wally. He is the most loving, protective and playful dog a person could ask for. I've had him since I was about 12 years old so I'm very heartbroken about having to give him away but some unfortunate events have happened recently and I can't keep him any longer. Wally is very low maintenance, has all his shots, and was just recently at the vet. I'd be willing to give money for dog food and pay for vet visits if needed. Wally really is the best dog and anyone would be lucky to have him. He's about 12 years old but still acts like he's a puppy, in a good way. He also gets along with cats and children which is a plus!
Please if you are interested or know anyone who is please let me!

Location: Maryland -
Added on 5 days ago and expires on 5 October, Ad id: 633772          87 visits