Green Mountain Party (Waitsfield)

Green Mountain Party Platform

Taking big money out of politics
Bringing Government control back to the Citizens of Vermont

Controlling big Money
We all know that big money is influencing decisions on local, state and federal levels. Our politicians are very quick to tax the citizens, to pay for programs. Perhaps we should be taxing the big money influence instead. Good ideas don't cost money, lobbying, buying off people, promising future jobs, paying for marketing/propaganda, that all costs money and a ton of it. Vermont's land gain tax has kept people from speculative development in our state; we can apply the same principles to those that want to buy our representatives. There is too much moneyed and out of state influence, from private sources, corporations and political parties.
425 lobbyists vs. 30 senators
425 lobbyists vs. 150 representatives
Huge corporations vs. very small state.
Multi-million dollar campaigns for Governor of small state
Federal political parties pulling the strings on local decisions

Green Mountain Party will focus on:
Tax the lobbyists.
55% tax on any money sent to lobbyists
90% out of in state money sent to lobbyist
Good ideas don't cost money.
Campaign Tax
Example: Governor's Race $350,000 maximum tax free in campaign donations. 90% tax on any money sent above $350,000.
90% Tax from all out of state funds sent to any political party or candidate
We need people who are resourceful with limited funds, not people who are connected with lobbyists, big money and out of state interests.
Pac Tax
Pac's are educational tools? Seriously? When the only focus on one or an opposing candidate during an election cycle? 90% tax on all Pac money either from instate or out of state. It's an inside game of campaign funding. Propaganda costs major money, the truth is free, we need to make it easier to find.

Responsibility to the People:
People are elected to office to uphold our State and Federal constitutions and handle our money wisely. People elected into office are supposed to be inquisitive about what the needs and wants of the people are. Somehow this has been lost, perhaps it's the constant courtship and dining activities brought on by lobbyists, special interests and federal organizations that get our officials attention. We need to elect those who can and will focus on the basics.
Effective Use of Tax Money
As any head of household, farm family, single parent or business owner knows, there are frequently many ways to stretch a dollar and actually increase your quality of life. Having these people in office representing our people without the influence of outside people will promote drastic common sense solutions our town meeting were historically known for and able to deliver.
The cry is frequently we need more money, without regard to looking at any spending issues. In our little town of Waitsfield we've easily spent 5 million dollars over the last 5 years on things that were very controversial and would have been done other ways if not for the senseless flow of grant money from our state and feds. You still say we aren't wasting money?, how about $180,000 for park benches on 0.02 acres in a flood plain? No problem, we'll even give you an award for the idea, we'll call it a pocket park!
Our state representatives can't seem to balance a budget and keep spending in check. We all know someone who will spend their lunch money by 9:15 and are snooping around at noon looking for more lunch money. We shouldn't put these people in charge of our money.
Effective Use of Tax Money
As any head of household, farm family, single parent or business owner knows, there are frequently many ways to stretch a dollar and actually increase your quality of life. Having people with these skill sets in office, representing our people without the influence of outside people will promote drastic common sense solutions our town meeting were historically known for and able to deliver.
Repeal ACT 46
Our state did not ask for school mergers last election. We could have done that on our own. They asked for fiscally responsible actions. Instead we got Act 46 where the following will occur:
They bribe us to merge schools.
They will take away your local school.
They will take away more local control.
Our taxes won't go down.
We'll have the same teachers and programs, just larger classes.
The savings, if any will be spent on other projects.
This is same scam was done with act 60, and that acts intent was to provide for small towns the resources needed and increase education quality. So now with Act 46 we are closing the school, can you see the irony? Montpelier is skewed by lobbyists; this did not happen when we had local control.

Our Vermont Constitution
Vermonters should have food sovereignty and sovereignty over their body along with the bodies of their children. We should not be forced or regulated such that we cannot control this.
We are guaranteed a speedy trial before a jury of our peers. We can't process small claims within a year, large cases take years. We all know the only time you'll get remedy is when you are before the judge, or the 10 minutes before you walk into court. Without a fair, timely trial those with deep pockets win every time, our constitution protects us from this abuse, but only when we can get before a judge in a timely fashion.
We are sworn as representatives to follow and protect the constitution, not our lobbyists, monopolies and big money interests.
They pass laws that make no sense and weren't on the public's agenda.

Real Time Accounting
Government officials like to hide the costs of projects expenses in many ways. The most convenient way to hide true costs is it to divide it up into different baskets so you can't see the total bill. It also keeps monopolies in business.
Green Mountain Party will focus on:
• Hospitals must post all major rates for procedures. Private pay, Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS, etc. People need to know what things cost.
• Employers send copy of healthcare expenses along with pay, so people know exactly how much they are actually being paid and what health care costs. Ideally it would be such that the employee writes the check to pay for health care.
• Employers also include the other side of FICA in their pay stub, so people know how much tax they are actually paying. Self-employed people have always known this.
• Government and Teachers pay should be shown in the entirety. Pay, education benefits, healthcare benefits and retirement.
• Retirement benefits should be paid in the year they are earned, just like everyone else.
We shouldn't be making promises we can't financially keep nor should we strap our kids with debt from our own decisions.

Drug Issues
Vermont's growing drug issue needs to be addressed. People need to be educated in how to cope, deal and succeed with life's issues such that there isn't any need to escape. Drug dealers need to be dealt with in such manner as to which they cause pain and suffering of our population.
Find real solutions vs. further drugging our Brothers and Sisters as a solution to their drug problem. Currently lobbyists and self-interests are working to build their monopolies and controlled system within the state. It is a major push for them as they can capture a business monopoly with the current administration in place.
• We need to make it easier for someone to get back into society by making regulations easier to get a job and a place to live. The current climate is such that it's nearly impossible for a business owner or landlords to take a chance in helping his brother or sister get back on their feet. Do you know the current man made risks that prevent people from giving someone a second or third chance?
• Police focus on Drug dealers, legal who abuse patients and illegal
• We need to change how we deal with Marijuana
o It is a drug and needs to handled as such.
o Prison sentences for possession of Marijuana need to be for drug dealers only and reduced from their current levels.
o Personal possession should be dealt with a fine/misdemeanor, like speeding.
o We need to send the right message, this is not a good drug for our youth in particular, and can be seriously detrimental.
o It should remain illegal; it is illegal on the federal level.
o We would not put a focus on fining/finding someone with 12 plants or less.

Good Jobs and Affordable Housing
Currently we could use higher paying jobs and more housing for the average person. We have to allow both of them. Our current zoning and legal climate do not allow either. We need to have systems in place to accommodate a business and the building of $75,000 to $100,000 homes.
Green Mountain Party will focus on:
• Create business parks that make it easy for business to start up.
• Create cluster zoning that allows reasonable homes under 1200 sq. ft.
• Keep regulations simple and easy for homes under 1200 sq. ft.
• Promote recycle business
• Promote labeling of GMO free food; this would be an income source for people rather than giving our residents a huge legal bill from fighting Monsanto. We could develop a GMO Vermont Seal of Approval and use this worldwide.
• Promote the state as seed source for heirloom and natural diversity
• Promote organic farming
• Promote homesteading and self-sufficiency.
• Promote the building of green sustainable business and the actual production of such things as solar panels, etc.
• Promote the use of green transportation, the building of such and the legal right to own alternative transportation that is not polluting, but regulated out of our state/country.
• Reduce and change what is put onto our roads during the winter, it is disintegrating one of our most expensive necessities, our transportation.
• Reduce regulations for small housing/trailer parks, ala Act 250, promote small, responsible communal living.
• High Schools and elementary schools could be used for additional education
o Financial education for all students (required) and for residents of Vermont
o Job performance education for all students (required) and for residents of Vermont
o Health classes (food and exercise education) for all students (required) and for residents of Vermont.
o Home ownership classes for all students (required) and for residents of Vermont.
o Classes offered by counselors to deal with life's issues.
• Break up the education monopolies so people can get a decent education at a reasonable cost. Most education doesn't comprise of new theoretical physics. Much can be learned and tested outside the ivory towers of higher education system, it's currently not working for the public and students, it certainly is working for the universities.

Contact us if you'd like to get involved, we are starting to form town caucus this week to register as a minor party in Vermont.

Green Mountain Party
6971 Main Street, Suite E
Waitsfield, Vermont 05673


Location: Vermont -
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