gtgt One of the BEST MAGICIANs in Hawaii, is NOT on Oahu... (Ill come to Oahu)

>> One of the BEST MAGICIANs in Hawaii, is NOT on Oahu!...

I'm on Maui.

So... If you want one of the best Magicians in Hawaii for your event,
you have to pay my way over to Oahu.

My name is Timothy Wenk.
I've been a full-time pro Magician for 30+ years.

Call me, email me or text me.

Three basic types of Magic...

1) Expert close-up sleight of hand Magic
(Expert? Let's put it this way, other Magicians
from around the world, have paid me to teach them
my techniques)

2) European-style Street Magic.
(I have performed on the streets of many
different countries -- which is why I do this Magic
completely SILENTLY -- no language barrier that way!)

3) Kid's Comedy Magic or Family Magic Show
(GUARANTEED to have the kids ROLLING IN
THE AISLES with *side-splitting* LAUGHTER!)

For more info, go to
(note: website is still under construction)

"Have Wand, Will Travel"

-- Timothy Wenk, Magician

Call me or text me, or email.

Location: Hawaii -
Added on 9 days ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 505118          134 visits