Having trouble receiving loans or paying bills Maybe I can assist you

Hello My name is Terry Woodland, I am a retired certified public account (CPA). Being a person familiar with the finance industry I am aware that hardships are just as American as apple pie. The purpose of a loan is to help those in need make it through their impoverished times. However in this day and age loans are less accessible to a majority of those in need of help. If you consider yourself one of these people in need and have exausted all of your options then you have reached a breakthrough by clicking on this post. Due to heavy call volume for this service all initial inquiries will be made through email. With that being said please include all of the following in your inquiry reply email

First and Last Name
Employment status
Reason for financial hardships ie lack of employment etc
Banking institution if eligible a active bank account in good standing would be required

There are extra opportunities available for those in the military or family of those in service

Thank you I hope I am able to shed light on those in dark situations

Location: Alabama -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 442255          67 visits