Hello! I am a public school teacher at an extremely high-poverty school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I work with wonderful but extremely poor kids who struggle to afford food, much less basic classroom supplies. Students are always begging me for food, I've given many of them clothes and warm winter gloves and hats, and they all have my cell phone for when they are struggling with personal issues because many of them don't have loving adults at home. **I am a teacher, a foster mother, a homeless shelter, a sex-ed counselor, a makeshift nurse, a therapist, a job counselor, a manners coach, a drill sergeant, and more.** My job is tough, and though I love it, it's draining both financially and emotionally. But through all of this my students are amazing, and they deserve the chance to learn with the BEST supplies possible! This includes basic classroom, project, and art supplies. **The absence of ANY school supplies budget at my school shouldn't put my kids at a disadvantage. EVERYONE should have the resources to read, think, learn, and create!**