Hot sophisticated women wanted 18 to 30 for adult amature films.. (Lakewood)

"Hot girls wanted" for startup Adult film and webcam company... Opportunity to live in a mansion type home will be offered to a select group..."Hugh hef style" Looking for 50 women who will be featured as live webcam and adult film actresses... And these ladies will be the cream of the crop!!! and must be gorgeous and talented by our standards... All women will have there own website!!! As well as being featured on ours.. all women must be STD free and DDF free... 420 friendly is fine... help with travel expenses is available for those who require it!!! you must have valid ID and plenty of availability!!! very serious on the availability part!!! race is not a factor...age is a "factor though" but if you have the availability and you are gorgeous and talented you will be considered :-) our ground floor model and owner is buttercream19... you can check her on Instagram... The new website being built now will feature her videos and the videos of all the women of the adult film company... "Buttercream films" that's us !!! expansion will be fast and so will the money$$$ "no men for now!!! "That's another ad" Because the men in our adult films will be choosin by our actresses : ) Only Serious reply's with "nude !!! photos or video and height/weight and location info will be considered... We must see what you look like to make a decision... This is the start of a multi million dollar company!!! And this is "nude work" all adult films are shot with the use of condoms and other contraceptives in accordance with state law... Let's get money honey : ) Our website will be up soon.. For now reply by...

Location: California -
Added on 19 days ago and expires on 8 August, Ad id: 562908          70 visits