I have a red eared slider turtle that I am looking to rehome. The turtle is about 5 years old now. Very active and nice girth. He is currently in a 55 gallon aquarium but he definitely needs something bigger. I am asking $40 for just the turtle. If you are interested in the 55 gallon aquarium as well I would sell that for $150.
What's included with the setup is: The aquarium, nice stand with spots for 10 gallon aquariums under it, a reptile lamp, a small screen cover, glass pieces for the other half of the aquarium, a large heater, extra food and supplies that I have laying around.
The filter that is currently on the tank does not work/may need to get cleaned out. I have a brand new 20-40 gallon filter that I can give you. Please let me know if you're interested in the turtle or in the entire setup. He really should go into at least a 75 gallon if not larger tank or pond. I can also email you pictures.!