Looking for co signer for a home loan (Fargo nd)

First off i want to say ty very much for taking a look at our ad. My wife and I have been struggling for awhile now and have tried again and again to get a home loan even after trying to make our credit better for years now. She asked me to post an ad to ask if anyone has the kindness to trust a stranger and help us to co sign for a home loan. We have the money every month to make the payments its just our credit that is holding us back. Our bank would most likely do it if we could get a co signer and they would set up the payments to be taken when her checks and mine are direct deposited. If anyone out there is kind enough to help us with this please do not hesitate to txt or call us for more info and details.
Ty much for taking a look at our ad and considering helping.

Location: North Dakota -
Added on 23 days ago and expires on 28 December, Ad id: 381448          109 visits