Looking for Musicians for Christian Contemporary Band
Looking for Musicians for Christian Contemporary Band
Jubilee is a non-profit para-church music ministry comprised of individuals
who love Christ and love to play music.
We are looking for sincere and reliable musicians who are willing to volunteer their time to further the dream of God through music in San Francisco. (http://www.jubileeworld.org )
Volunteers opening listed below:
- Audio Engineer
- Bass Guitar
- Drummer
- Male Vocalist + Acoustic Guitar
- Vocals
- Keyboard
- All kinds of instrument
Jubilee is a Christian music ministry comprised of individuals passionate for the Lord and gifted in contemporary music. Jubilee exists to unite contemporary musicians in the movement to transform culture and community into one that glorifies God, carrying the message Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Providing a meeting place beyond the church, Worship unites and trains its members through rehearsals, events, and special projects.
Our music teams are dedicated to breathing life into today's performing arts, media and society. (Gen 2:7)