Looking for musicians of any instrument (BiddefordPortland)

I rent a recording studio/rehearsal space and am recording a bunch of pre-written songs. As of now I'm just paying session musicians to fill in but, I would prefer having bandmates that I can actually practice songs with, develop chemistry, and share the space with.

Attached is a link to one of the heavier and less quirky songs I'm working on right now. It's not mixed but it's myself playing a fretless strat and bass guitar. The drums are fake (more fun than playing to a click track though) and I have someone who's going to record drums for them.

I guess for session work I'd really only be interested in singers, cellists/violinists, and keys. As for being in the "band" (quotation marks because it's actually just myself right now) then I would be open to anyone playing traditional or nontraditional instruments and singing a variety of styles. If your interested in the latter then I think the biggest thing for myself and the guy that owns the studio is how fond we are of our gear and that we would need to feel that we can trust you.

Drop me a link even just to shoot the shit. I'm in no hurry.

Location: Maine -
Added on 23 days ago and expires on 28 December, Ad id: 315730          81 visits