Looking for people with Type 1 Diabetes to participate in research hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post Together with Eli Lilly, T1D Exchange is conducting ethnographic interviews to gain a better understanding of how people with type 1 diabetes make decisions managing their diabetes and their personal experiences involving these decisions. An ethnographic interview is a directed one on one phone interview with a diabetes professional to discuss participant behaviors and perspectives.

The interview is expected to last 60-90 minutes and you may be compensated with a $60 Amazon gift code (or you may choose to donate it to T1D Exchange) for completing the interview. With your permission, the interview audio will be recorded; however, participant information will not be identifiable in any reports rendered, and the audio recordings will be destroyed after the information is reviewed.

Who is eligible?
• If you have type 1 diabetes
• If you were not diagnosed in the last year
• Are at least 18 years old
• Speak English

Thank you for being part of helping to advance T1D research--we appreciate your time in participating in this phone interview!

To see if you qualify, please click on the link below.


Thank you
T1D Exchange Research Team

Location: Utah -
Added on 14 days ago and expires on 6 April, Ad id: 785362          132 visits