Looking For Someone To Invest In My Real Estate Career

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello! My name is Alexis Jones. I am looking for someone who would be generous enough to invest in my real estate career. I wish to go to realtor school, and obtain a license. The sooner the better. This is a very tough market to work in, especially being a young woman, getting her degree. I have taken the semester off, in hopes to get my license. I do plan to go back, only because I'm so far along. I have no desire to do anything other than real estate with my life. My only problem is that I do not have the funds to take real estate courses.

My diverse background in different fields will be a proven asset for you. Being that I have experience many fields, including: customer service, retail sales, in promotions/branding, events, and working with VIP/celebrity clientele will help me in this growing industry. I am willing to learn anything that you are willing to teach. I am extremely career and goal oriented, as well as quick witted and I catch on to any topic that needs to be taught. I am very easygoing, but I am a go-getter. But, most importantly I am a WINNER! I get every task done, and more; trying to exceed my past accomplishments at every moment. I have excellent leadership ability, and have been team lead/event manager in past positions; managing teams of 5-20 people. I am a great team builder, but am completely fine working alone as well. I would like to gain the title of starting a career, not just having a job. In a field that I love and have passion for; helping people and having fun doing it is my life's goal. And you will get a completely dedicated, ready for anything, fun, bubbly, driven, and hardworking individual. I am the young woman with the potential to one day become a very significant name is the company. Your protege!

I am willing to work for any agents, brokers, investors, etc out there, who are willing to invest in me. My main goal is to get into investing. However, I would like to first have the credibility and know-how of the business. I would love to speak with anyone with knowledge, who is willing to help and take a leap of faith!

Thank you so much for reading.

Alexis Jones

Will send resume to anyone who is looking to.

Location: Ohio -
Added on 1 day ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 282788          93 visits