Looking for talented Pole Dancers and Exotic Dancers for Music Video (Detroit Lakes) hide this posting unhide

QR Code Link to This Post Simplicity 26 Records is looking for beautiful talented women who are skilled at pole dancing and exotic dancing for a music video project. The video is of a soon to be release track by their artist Manny Rebel that is featuring Swagg Brim. Manny Rebel is a commercial Hip Hop / Rn'B recording artist signed to Simplicity 26 Records. The track they are looking to do a music video for, is about girls who live the "pole life". If interested please contact Matt Clark at Simplicity 26 Records via e-mail to find out more and to set up an interview.

Location: North Dakota -
Added on 23 days ago and expires on 20 July, Ad id: 760936          99 visits