Looking to help you with your hog problem for free (sc)

As the title says I'm looking to help out any farmer or land owner control there hog problem. I only use a bow so they're will be no worries of stray bullets flying around. I don't charge any kind of fee and your more than welcome to the meat as well. I would plan on taking some meat thou but have no need for 20 hogs in my freezer. Any unwanted meat from the land owner will be donated to feed the hungry.
I would ask thou that once you see that I respect you and your land removing your destructive hogs, that you might consider allowing me to deer hunt some this fall. I'm a respectful Hunter and don't shoot for the sport,I shoot for the meat and usually only try to take 2 or 3 depending how big they are.(usually a buck and a doe)

If you have hog problems allow me to help you with it.

I'm willing to sign a waiver if needed to protect the land owner while I'm on there property. I'll also respect any rules and boundaries set forth.(thou it should be kept in mind that if the hogs are messing up certain areas those will be where I'll need to set up) Also I'd like to add that it won't be a group of people on your property, it'll only be me personally and at times my young son with me that is interested in starting.

Location: South Carolina -
Added on 9 days ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 283390          91 visits