magazine submission (seeking asian amp middle eastern models)

we are doing a Disney princess fashion editorial wedding/engagement series in Nashville tn. we are doing the series to kinda have some of the Disney princess characters influences in the brides. the series we doing will be shoot sometime beginning of june before the 11th it will be princess mulan, princess jasmine,. the other models will be coming from some of the local modeling agencies. hairstylist,wardrobe stylist,makeup artist,photographer,videographer,set designer,creative director will all be include.the models will also receive photos and a video with full rights to them.i also may submit the series to some bridal magazines and you will receive tear sheets if published. let us know if you are interested. below are the criteria for each role

princess jasmine - model who is middle eastern or east Indian .someone 5'7 up and 0 to 6 dress size and long black or dark hair.

princess mulan - model who is Asian .someone 5'7 up and 0 to 6 dress size and long black or dark hair.

below are links to our work

Location: Tennessee -
Added on 7 days ago and expires on 13 August, Ad id: 462376          129 visits