Magic Eye erotic actress needed (berkeley)

Remember those old magic eye posters that looked like a flurry of specs until you crossed your eyes and a shape jumped out at you? I am making an erotic video like that. It'll be so blurry that you'll be anonymous, but I still need an actress to perform in front of a kinect to produce the depthmap. Please respond with pictures, what you're excited to do*, and what you'd want to get paid.

I'm making a video of a dude as well; this isn't, you know, /too/ male-gazey and stuff.

* consent and fun are important to me! I want this to be a positive experience for you, so please over-communicate your likes and your boundaries. I promise I'll respect.

Location: California -
Added on 15 days ago and expires on 13 August, Ad id: 336123          84 visits