Marketing Reps Advertising Sales College Students Needed Immediately (Indiana areas) hide this posting unhide

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Fast growing international marketing company needs advertising and marketing reps, smart college students, social media experts, salespeople and others who are looking for a change, hungry to make money and looking for a serious new opportunity to join a great new company with an exciting new wireless marketing device..

We need outgoing people for sales, marketing and promotion of our company and our amazing new wireless device. We need enthusiastic students to share this on campus and share with friends/students at other locations for a nationwide and international network marketing campaign. We also need people with sales and marketing experience for promoting this directly to local businesses. Aggressive salespeople can easily earn $1k+ weekly to start and build a customer base that pays $5k+ in residuals every month! Online sales are also big in our company and various social media networks are a great place to offer this device. If you have big #'s of followers on FB or LinkedIn they could be a huge revenue source for you. Earnings potential is only limited by you, your effort, creativity, time and contacts..

Our wireless device has many useful applications in business and for personal use. We confidently call it "The most affordable new advertising device anywhere". We have a massive un-tapped international market of over 1 billion prospective users, yes billion!! Our company was officially launched just a few months ago. This is a very serious ground floor opportunity to make a lot of money including direct sales commissions paid immediately, ongoing monthly residuals, daily pay, fast start bonuses and more. We have the most generous compensation plan in our industry.

Join us now, help launch this company and get paid residual income for years! Start in your spare time or part-time. Keep your current job until this replaces your income, then join us full-time. Students do this between classes and study time, on your vacation breaks work it hard and make more money than any job will pay you. This opportunity is truly unlimited. Most people have never heard of our company, this technology or our new wireless device.. But they will!

This is NOT A JOB. We don't tell you when to work or pay you a pathetic hourly wage. That is a trap where most people will live paycheck to paycheck their whole life. This is an opportunity to join our company as an affiliate and independent representative. There is NO investment except your time and effort. There are NO requirements to purchase anything or buy inventory. This is a legitimate business opportunity to earn an above average income and be paid residual commissions for many years after the sale. People with the right skills can also recruit others and build a team. Some will develop an international network of thousands and earn a fortune. Either way, if you make a commitment, promote our company, work hard, and don't quit, you will be making more money than 95% of the people you know by this time next year. Our you can go get a job and live that life.. paycheck to paycheck.. Its up to you..

Serious individuals reply now using Craigslist email.. PLEASE INCLUDE your Full Name, a real email address for us to reply, location and a phone number (optional but very helpful). We will respond to everyone.

Thank you...

Location: Indiana -
Added on 9 days ago and expires on 11 April, Ad id: 792562          106 visits