Mathematics and physics tutor. High school and college levels (Brooklyn)

Former high school math teacher available for tutoring middle and high school pupils. I hold a master's in physics and have over ten years of classroom teaching experience. I have expertise in a full array of subjects, including calculus, trigonometry, pre algebra, geometry, algebra I&II, statistics, and common core. My approach is to make certain that each student's assignments for the week is completed. We subsequently review the assignments together and focus on trouble spots where the student is having difficulty, working through those problems until comprehension is achieved. We look at the week ahead so your student has a passing familiarity with new concepts likely to be discussed in class during the coming week. Ultimately, we review for any upcoming quizzes and tests. The outcomes are often spectacular. Through this method, I take children "who simply aren't good at mathematics" and turn them into children who have a deep passion and comprehension of math. Within a few brief weeks, test scores improve and grades go up. C's become B's and then A's.

My first session is free no obligation.

Please e mail, text or call.

Location: New York -
Added on 4 days ago and expires on 8 August, Ad id: 502634          86 visits