montebello coyote sighting by post office. (post office on 5th st)

Tonight was a great reminder we still have active wild life. large coyote spotted in front of the montebello post office.
while they are native animals and predatory by nature. there is steps everyone can take to keep them away.
1. dont leave pet food and water outdoors.
2. bring in your pets at night. small animals such as rabbits, small dogs and cats are natural prey.
3. have some motion sensing lights. just like human theives coyotes may startle and go to darker places.
4. keep your trash in the cans and the lids closed. these guys will seek any food scraps etc.
5. let them be. do not abuse them or throw things at them. if their on your property a little noise alone will scare them off.

hope this information will at least help one person. have a good day.

Location: California -
Added on 11 days ago and expires on 19 April, Ad id: 676969          81 visits