My name is Mike Williams Please take the time to read this (SHAWNEE OKLAHOMA)

This is Mike Williams please read

Joey Ortiz is posting as many negative adds as he can about me and Michael's Dirty Deeds. Well first off if you will go to the open files of the secretary of State. On L.L.C. s. You will find out Michael Williams sold DirtyDeeds a few years ago. Come on Joey if you are going to tell lies please at least make them decent. Second you will never find a job any were in the State were Michael Williams took a dollar down on any job. And there's not a person in this state having a problem with Michael Williams or Michael's Dirty Deeds. If Joey had not messed up a job and took advantage of some homeowners. They would not be upset with him. You can go back and check the negative adds about Michael's Dirty Deeds started right after I told Joey I would tell a homeowner he was back on CL. I do not regret this at all. Joey should have to fix the pond or give these folks there money back. Anyone having any problems with Mike Williams is not true it's Joey Ortiz trying to get back at me. Mike Williams . My work speaks for who I am. Joey you can post till the end of time. I will never do to homeowners as you have to these folks. Thanks Michael Williams
If you all have any questions of me please feel free to call thanks to all of you all.. And Jason has now posted a copy of his check he wrote to Joey Ortiz and he has even said HE posted the adds about Joey Ortiz... Not Mike Williams or Michael's Dirty Deeds. Folks if this does not prove to you all who posted the adds about Joey Ortiz and why he posted them nothing ever will. I said I had not posted the adds and now the truth is out for all of you all to see and read

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Location: Oklahoma -
Added on 23 days ago and expires on 28 December, Ad id: 572687          340 visits