need a place to stay in sidney

Trying to move to Sidney for a short while to be able to visit my boyfriend while he's in jail here. I've already applied for a position at McDonalds and will be hitting up some of the hotel/motels here. I don't have anything to offer yet however. I'm a good old soul with a soft heart born and raised in the beautiful Missoula Montana. I just hitch hiked here today and have no place to stay. I can even help out around the house to make up for taking up your couch. If you're a kind, reasonable, and generous hearted soul and could be so kind as to help out a fellow human in dire need please email me back on this post or text me at four zero 6 2 zero 3 2 eight two

Location: Montana -
Added on 12 days ago and expires on 25 January, Ad id: 506620          134 visits