Need to rehome snakes asap. SnakesRack (levittown)
The landlord is no longer housing where I am staying and I am moving to a place where I cannot have snakes. I have a bundle I am trying to sell, or individually if needed so.
I am asking 600 for everything. This includes 5 snakes, the nice 5 snake housing tub system for adults which is heated in the back, the herpstat 1 which sells for over 140, over 120 dollars worth of frozen food for them, all of their water bowls and accessories, and even the extra heat tape, foil tape, connectors, and power cords. Anyone in the hobby knows how much all of this stuff runs.
The snakes are as below
Contact me. Pickup. email or text.
Male Butter Het Hypo. around 500g - $130
Male Lesser 400-500 grams - $80
Big breeder 2009 orange ghost female. Proven once was never tried again. Clutch of 5. 1950g - $150