Never Give Up Hope Los Angeles Our Calls To Neighbors Finds Lost Pets (los angeles)
Never Give Up Hope Los Angeles! Our Calls To Neighbors Finds Lost Pets
We are the birdfinder, dogfinder, catfinder. See Who We Found ?
The little dog who got out of her outdoor kennel and ran away, is Dolly, the wire fox terrier. She was lost for 4 days. Her owners were sick with worry and contacted us. We went straight to work, creating a specific voice message, all about her. The voice message was broadcast to her neighborhood and surrounding areas. She was found within 1 hour of the calls going out to everyone.
We are a 14 year old voice messaging company. What we do is notify, to a defined search area, i.e. your neighborhood & surrounding areas, 70% of all households, sending a public service announcement to cell and home phones. This message details particular information and your phone number, so you receive direct leads. Your pets reward poster goes to our busy Facebook page. You will speak to one of us directly on the phone. Not an automated sign up where no one can be reached. We stay with you the entire time, through out the search.
Dolly's result is amazing. Some searches may require more time. Our proven track record, effective messaging style and individually assembled strategy for each unique case, produces amazing results
We want to help you to find your lost friend too. Use your Facebook search box to find "lostpetfinder". See the pet under search or found...Then complete the lost pet form below so a "search and action" plan can be prepared for you! You will receive a call from us after we receive your form. Let's bring your lost pet back home !