New Kid in Town gt Maine (Auburn)

You all know-of me and you all seem-2 think you know who I am and what I am about. Yeah well, that's unlikely at best. What do any of you have to go-on and where are you getting any of your information?
I can answer tht 4 you; you are getting most of your information from gossip and rummors. Therefore, your opinion's ~> me ~> mean little, if anything at all. And as far as I am concerned, the "basis" for your "social-scene" is a pathetic-joke. And I'm not speaking of Maine specifically; rather I am referring to that of this country.
As far as I can see, the majority of American women are neurotic; mostly from the Women's Bible (Cosmopolitian).
And the majority of American males play the "bi*ch ~> 2 the female ~> most of their lives.
And your social-scene is the MAIN reason why America continues to be, what is seemingly at the top of the list ~> 4 countries which have severe-dysfunction throughout and from "A ~> Z". You all play all your games and talk dirt about each-other; all the while you are all being "trained" 2-be just like the generation ~> which came before you. (And whilest you are watching reality-t.v. and drinking rock-gut vodka or finishing off that 12-pk., you are becoming less and lesss able to move in (any) type of assertive-direction ~> in relation 2 any/all of the dsyfunction ~> which exists within the lives of you "self" & possibly the children which rely on 4 for some kind of direction & support... And every person reading this knows "Exactly" ~> of wht I am speaking.)
As 4 me, I would rather have few friends then become another sheep. And while I obviously want some friends, I am really not interested in chyllin with people who will talk-dirt about me, as soon as I take-my-exit..
If any1 wants 2 get to know me, you r going to need to do a little more then just stand there and wait 4 me to start talking 2 you. Have some balls and ask a question, once in a while. (Said 4 the ladies ~> who are interested. And there are enough who are interested.) Why is that? Because I am weird/strange/odd/peculiar ~> all meaning 1 specific thang. All those words mean ~> different. And different is all I want to be. Otherwise, I wld become a "sheep", like so many of you seem to be, in one way or another.
"And if this bothers ANY of you, that's because of (Your OWN) oponion of your "self" is that of a follower and a sheep. ~> Because, I have not mentioned any names (AND) because I am speaking of the U.S. (the entire country), possibly with the exception of some of Cali and the surrounding areas... I have dated a honey from Armenia, one from Tai Wan, One from Slavakia and a French girl; and these ladies are different in so-many ways...
Here's a question: do you love the system/politics in Maine? (And all the direct/indirect effects this system of politics has upon your life). Anyone who answers yes needs to stop mixing the red pills with the blue pills and maybe get more sunlight. Maine is almost in (last place) for the way we-as-a-state treat the environment. (Compliments of a survey from Sierra Magazine). And this statistic ~> most-definitely ~> relates to the all-around "attitude" of the citizens co-existing within the stae of Maine. (Including those on welfare, those driving BMW's, those in politics, people working at Hannaford, waitresses, cellphone salespeople, people living in the shelters and all the rest...)
And we are (ALL) a "part-of-the-problem". (Equally)
Therefore, with proper guidance and perspective ~> we could (ALL) become a "Part-of-the-Solution". And this is where most people will start talking shit about me...
~>>> Because most of you are (seemingly) afraid ~> of your own shawdow ~> when it comes 2 change... Correct?
Am I Correct? Are YOU Afraid of ChAnGe???
Gonna leave this alone 4 the moment.
W. Scott
P. S. If you want change ~> rely NOT on politics of any kind.
Instead, rely on the absence of politics. Politics is "meant-2" ~>> slow-things-down... Once you take (that) away, you have just gotten out of your own way.. It's (not) about effort, it's about belief ~> in the "Self"...

Location: Maine -
Added on 13 days ago and expires on 25 January, Ad id: 501840          96 visits